Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Tears

My tears
are not for you
my tears
are not tears
of sadness
my tears
are tears
of joy
for another day
the breath of life
a smile on my face
the sun shining brightly
over the light snow fall
that gently rests on the tulip
that stretches up from the dirt
and opens its petals
my tears
are tears
of joy
water drips
from the melting snow
that cloaks the branch
that extends from the tree
that lives outside
my bedroom window
finally I can raise my head
and face the light
that peers into the room
my tears
are tears
of joy
last night
death walked out
life walked in
when the hat
you rested
next to the door
years ago
atop your head
my tears
are not for you
my tears
are not tears
of sadness
my tears
my tears
are tears of joy

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